Tools that transport drivers need in their trucks when shipping a car

Transport drivers need to be fully equipped in order to stay safe on the road. A lot of the time, car carriers are running low on sleep, driving for hours on end, and navigating through slippery roads. Because anything can happen on the road, they must be ready with a full set of handy tools to help them on the road.


Flashlights are definitely always helpful on the road, because the truck may happen to break down, and it is useful at night to see what is wrong with the vehicle. When drivers have trouble seeing through cracks and dim areas in the car, a flashlight is a handy tool that they should always carry around.

Wrenches, hammers, and screwdrivers

Sometimes, if the auto transport trucks are malfunctioning, the car carrier needs to diagnose the problem and see if something is stuck. In times like these, tools such as wrenches, hammers, and screwdrivers should always be stored in the truck. The driver may be able to fix the issue with these tools on the road.

Air Gage

Air gages are always needed for the road inside transport trucks, because the air pressure can go low at any time. Low air pressure is a serious issue, and the carrier needs to track the air pressure in the tires at all times. There are also air hoses that the carrier should also put in their trucks, because they can be connected to a tire to pump when the air pressure is low.

Cleaning supplies

Especially during the pandemic, the carriers should have some disinfectants and cleaning supplies prepared, in case they are going in and out of the truck at rest stops and restrooms. They can wipe down the truck when moving from state to state, and it is always useful to have around to clean their windshield in case something is obstructing their view.
